Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I: send me!" -Isaiah 6:8
In our lives as stewards, the gifts we offer - time, talent, and financial resources - are holy gifts. They are symbols of love and signs of grace that are offered out of joy and devotion. These gifts are not dues to be paid or entrance fees to be offered. They are gifts of love. The gifts that we offer to God are symbols of our covenant of love with Jesus Christ, made in response to our understanding of Christ's great love, which was offered first for us.
Online Giving We can continue to present our gifts for the work of the church even when we are not together in one place. Online giving enables us to continue to support the mission of the church with our financial gifts. Use the Give button below to offer your gifts for the ongoing work of the church in our community, nation and throughout the world. You can also use the app on your smartphone your donation from anyplace at any time.