Worship at
How We Worship
One of the main aids we have for entering into the gospel story is our Liturgy (or, Order Of Worship).
Every congregation has a liturgy for their corporate worship (even if they say they don’t!). It’s the movements you come to expect in worship, the map that takes you from the Welcome to the "Go in peace...". At Mt. Horeb we want to be intentional about shaping our liturgy in such a way that it reflects the place we call home while also lifting us out of our own self-centered-stories and placing us in the gospel story. And so we follow a very similar order week after week. This isn't because we can’t be creative, but because we believe that the creativity of this liturgy that has been passed down to us actually helps us to grow into gospel rhythms of grace. You can click here to read more of what this liturgical rhythm usually looks like for us. |